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First world hunger revisited :food charity or the right to food

Riches, Graham

First world hunger revisited :food charity or the right to food 표지이미지
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개인저자Riches, Graham, editor.
Silvasti, Tiina, editor.
서명/저자사항First world hunger revisited :food charity or the right to food :edited by Graham Riches, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia, Canada, Tiina Silvasti, Lecturer, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
판사항Second edition.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version First world hunger First world hunger revisited Second edition, 9781137298713
서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Foreword by Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food (2008-2014) -- 1. Hunger in the Rich World: Food Aid and Right to Food Perspectives; Graham Riches and Tiina Silvasti -- 2. Food Banks in Australia: Discouraging the Right to Food; Sue Booth -- 3. A Right to Food Approach: Public Food Banks in Brazil; Cecilia Rocha -- 4. Canada: Thirty Years of Food Charity and Public Policy Neglect; Graham Riches and Valerie Tarasuk -- 5. Hunger and Food Aid in Estonia: a Local Authority and Family Obligation; Jri Kre -- 6. Hunger in a Nordic Welfare State: Finland; Tiina Silvasti and Jouko Karjalainen -- 7. Poverty Amid Growth: post-1997 Hong Kong Food Banks; Kwong-leung Tang, Yu-hong Zhu and Yan-yan Chen -- 8. Privatising the Right to Food: Aotearoa/New Zealand; Mike O'Brien -- 9. Between Markets and Masses: Food Assistance and Food Banks in South Africa; Sheryl Hendriks and Angela McIntyre -- 10. Erosion of Rights, Uncritical Solidarity and Food Banks in Spain; Karlos P̌rez de Armįo -- 11. Food Banking in Turkey: Conservative Politics in a Neo-liberal State; Mustafa Koc -- 12 Food Banks and Food Justice in 'Austerity; Elizabeth Dowler -- 13. Food Assistance, Hunger and the End of Welfare in the USA; Janet Poppendieck -- 14. Hunger and Food Charity in Rich Societies: What Hope for the Right to Food?; Tiina Silvasti and Graham Riches -- References.
요약First World Hunger Revisited exposes the hidden functions and limits of food charity and corporately sponsored food banks as primary responses to widespread domestic hunger and income poverty in twelve rich 'food-secure' societies and emerging economies: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Estonia, Finland, Hong Kong, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, the UK and the USA. Who wins, who loses when governments violate their Right to Food obligations under international law to ensure the food security of their vulnerable populations? It challenges the effectiveness of food aid and argues for integrated income redistribution, agriculture, food, health and social policies informed by the Right to Food, whilst critiquing the lack of public policy and political will in achieving food security for all.
통일서명First world hunger.
일반주제명Food relief.
Public welfare.
Food relief
Public welfare
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*주제와 무관한 내용의 서평은 삭제될 수 있습니다.


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