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The International Criminal Court :

Schabas, William

The International Criminal Court : 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
개인저자Schabas, William, 1950-
서명/저자사항The International Criminal Court :a commentary on the Rome Statute:William A. Schabas.
발행사항Oxford;New York :Oxford University Press,c2010.
형태사항lxx, 1259p ;26cm.
총서사항Oxford Commentaries on International Law.
ISBN9780199560738 (cloth : alk. paper)
0199560730 (cloth : alk. paper)
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
통일서명Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court(1998)
주제명(단체명)International Criminal Court.
주제명(통일서명)Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court(1998)
일반주제명International criminal courts
International offenses
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목차 일부

-- Part. 1. Establishment of the court 
-- Part. 2. Jurisdiction, admissibility and applicable law 
-- Part. 3. General principles of criminal law 
-- Part. 4. Composition and administration of the...

목차 전체

-- Part. 1. Establishment of the court 
-- Part. 2. Jurisdiction, admissibility and applicable law 
-- Part. 3. General principles of criminal law 
-- Part. 4. Composition and administration of the court 
-- Part. 5. Investigation and prosecution 
-- Part. 6. The trial 
-- Part. 7. Penalties 
-- Part 8. Appeal and revision 
-- Part. 9. International cooperation and judicial assistance 
-- Part. 10. Enforcement 
-- Part. 11. Assembly of States parties 
-- Part. 12. Financing 
-- Part. 13. Final clauses.
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*주제와 무관한 내용의 서평은 삭제될 수 있습니다.


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