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The trials of Abu Ghraib :

Mestrovic, Stjepan Gabriel

The trials of Abu Ghraib : 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
개인저자Mestrovic, Stjepan Gabriel
서명/저자사항The trials of Abu Ghraib :an expert witness account of shame and honor:S.G. Mestrovic.
발행사항Boulder [Colo] :Paradigm Publishers,2007.
형태사항xii, 235 p. ;24cm.
ISBN9781594513343 (hardcover : alk. paper)
1594513341 (hardcover : alk. paper)
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index
주제명(단체명)Abu Ghraib Prison
일반주제명Trials (Military offenses) -- United States
Courts-martial and courts of inquiry -- United States
Prisoners of war -- Abuse of -- Iraq
Iraq War, 2003 -- Prisoners and prisons
주제명(지명)United StatesArmed ForcesIraq
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No. 등록번호 청구기호 소장처 도서상태 반납예정일 예약 서비스
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목차 일부

Part I : The Cumbersome metaphors of the apples, orchard, and orchard keepers = 21
1. The few rotten apples theory = 23
2. The poisoned orchard = 49
3. The orchard keepers = 73

Part II : Chaos a...

목차 전체

Part I : The Cumbersome metaphors of the apples, orchard, and orchard keepers = 21
1. The few rotten apples theory = 23
2. The poisoned orchard = 49
3. The orchard keepers = 73

Part II : Chaos at the courts-martial at Fort Hood = 95
4. The court-martial of Javal Davis : the soldier who snapped for ten seconds = 97
5. The court-martial of Sabrina Harman : why didn't smiling girl just walk out the door? = 119
6. The court-martial of Lynndie England : the story of "leash girl" in love with the ringleader of the night shift = 151

Part III : Detox for the Orchard = 177
7. What the trials revealed : Abu Ghraib as hell on earth = 179
8. Recognizing and overcoming dysfunctional responses to Abu Ghraib = 195
9. Detox for the contaminated apple orchard = 207
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*주제와 무관한 내용의 서평은 삭제될 수 있습니다.


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