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Temporary special measures :

Boerefijn, Ineke

Temporary special measures  : 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
개인저자Boerefijn, Ineke
서명/저자사항Temporary special measures :accelerating de facto equality of women under article 4(1) UN convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women:Ineke Boerefijn ... [et al.].
발행사항Antwerp :Intersentia,2003.
형태사항xiv, 258p ;24cm.
내용주기Introduction -- PART I GENERAL ISSUES -- Opening of the Seminar -- Reflections on a General Recommendation on Article 4(1) of the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women -- Systematizing the Application of Different Types of Temporary Special Measures under Article 4 of CEDAW -- The Practical Relevance of Article 4 CEDAW with Particular Attention for Articles 11,13 and 14 -- What Could the European Union learn from the CEDAW Convention -- PART ll CONCEPTUAL ISSUES -- The Concept and Practice of Affirmative Action -- The Practice of Affirmative Action Policies: ExplainingResistances and How These Affect Results ' -- Temporary Special Measures: How tong is Temporary and What is Special? -- Beyond the Dichotomy of Formal and Substantive Equality: Towards a New Definition of Equal Rights -- Obligations to Adopt Temporary Special Measures Under the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women -- Affirmative Action -- Comments on Professor Cook's paper -- PARTⅢ SUBSTANTIVE Rights -- Rights-Based Education as Pathway to Gender Equality Comments on the Contribution by Katarina Tomasevski -- The Meaning of Article 4(1) of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: a South African Perspective -- Women's Participation in Political and Public Life: a ]Key to the Advancement of Women -- Comments on Justice 5. Ngcobo's paper
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