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Annual appeal :Overview of activities and financial requirements

United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Annual appeal :Overview of activities and financial requirements 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
단체저자명United NationsOffice of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
서명/저자사항Annual appeal :Overview of activities and financial requirements.
권.연차 사항[19--]-
발행사항Geneva :Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations,[19--].
형태사항v. ;30 cm.
비통제주제어Human rights

목차 일부


Introduction by the Acting High Commissioner = 5
Mission statement = 7
Executive summary = 9
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: Key data = 11
Funding and budget = 15...

목차 전체


Introduction by the Acting High Commissioner = 5
Mission statement = 7
Executive summary = 9
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: Key data = 11
Funding and budget = 15

United Nations human rights mechanisms = 21
    Support to human rights treaty bodies, the Commission on Human Rights and the Sub-Commission = 22
    Response to allegations of human rights violations: Support to the special procedures = 26 

Implementation of human rights activities in the field = 31
    Human rights support for peace-making, peacekeeping and peace-building activities = 34
        BURUNDI = 34
        COLOMBIA = 39
        CAMBODIA = 42
        ANGOLA = 50
        AFGHANISTAN = 51
        IRAQ = 53
    Technical cooperation activities = 61
        AFRICA = 63
        ARAB REGION = 85

Thematic human rights challenges = 89
    Global projects = 90
    Democracy, development and human rights = 103
    Groups in focus = 108
        MINORITIES = 111
        VICTIMS OF SLAVERY =. 116
        VICTIMS OF TORTURE = 117
    Follow-up to the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance = 120

Strengthening the capacity of OHCHR = 123
        EXECUTIVE OFFICE = 124
        PUBLICATIONS = 139
        STAFF SECURITY = 140
        CONTINGENCY FUND = 142


Introduction by the High Commissioner = 5
Mission statement = 7
Executive summary = 9
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: Key data = 11
Funding and budget = 17

United Nations human rights mechanisms = 23
    Support to human rights treaty bodies, the Commission on Human Rights and the Sub-Commission = 24
    Response to allegations of human rights violations: Support to the special procedures = 28

Implementation of human rights activities in the field = 31
    Human rights support for peace-making, peacekeeping and peace-building activities = 36
        BURUNDI = 37
        COLOMBIA = 42
        GUATEMALA = 46
        CAMBODIA = 49
        ANGOLA = 57
        AFGHANISTAN = 60
        IRAQ = 62
    Technical cooperation activities = 67
        AFRICA = 69
        ARAB REGION = 93

Thematic human rights challenges = 99
    Global projects = 101
    Economic and social issues = 114
    Human rights and development = 117
    Rule of law and democracy = 121
    Groups in focus = 125
        MINORITIES = 125
        VICTIMS OF SLAVERY = 128
        VICTIMS OF TORTURE = 130
     Anti-Discrimination = 133

Strengthening the capacity of OHCHR =. 137
        PUBLIC AFFAIRS = 145
        PUBLICATIONS = 151
        STAFF SECURITY = 154
        CONTINGENCY FUND = 155
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