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Creating Asia :flags of human rights, seeds of freedom

Asian Network for free Elections

Creating Asia :flags of human rights, seeds of freedom 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
단체저자명Asian Network for free Elections.
Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development.
서명/저자사항Creating Asia :flags of human rights, seeds of freedom :human rights report :Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development.
발행사항Bangkok, Thailand :Asian Network for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA),2000-.
형태사항v. :ill. ;21 cm.
일반주기 Other Titles: Human rights report, 1999
비통제주제어Human rights.

목차 일부

Preface = 6

Summary of  Human Rights in Asia = 8
  General protection of Human Rights = 12
  The Rights to life and personal security = 14
  The Rights to a fair trial = 17
  Freedom of opinion...

목차 전체

Preface = 6

Summary of  Human Rights in Asia = 8
  General protection of Human Rights = 12
  The Rights to life and personal security = 14
  The Rights to a fair trial = 17
  Freedom of opinion, association, peaceful assembly = 17
  Responding the situation = 18

Human Rights and Human Development = 21
  Situating Asia = 25
  East & South East Asia = 25
  East  Timor is free = 34
  South Asia = 37
Focusing Human Rights = 45

2000 and Beyond = 106
Sources = 113
Photo Credits = 115
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*주제와 무관한 내용의 서평은 삭제될 수 있습니다.


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