목차 일부
Australia - Imagine a world without violence : Human rights in the home and in the world = 1
China - Domestic violence and the legal response in China = 17
Fiji - Violence against Women in the Pac...
목차 전체
Australia - Imagine a world without violence : Human rights in the home and in the world = 1
China - Domestic violence and the legal response in China = 17
Fiji - Violence against Women in the Pacific region = 26
Indonesia - Women as victims of crime in Domestic violence = 35
Malaysia - Domestic violence in Malaysia = 40
Philippines - Realities of AWIR in the Philippines = 64
Sri Lanka - Domestic violence - A case study on Sri Lanka = 73
Thiland 1 - Domestic violence against Women = 103
Thiland 2 - Zero Tolerance for Domestic violence - the case of Thiland = 132
Japan 1 - Domestic violence : hoow to eradicate it = 147
Japan 2 - The significant link with Child abuse : for further studies = 161
Japan 3 - What we learnd through shelter Activities = 167
Japan 4 - Policies and challenges for Domestic violence in Japan = 170
Summary of the discussion = 178
List of participants = 205
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