Schulz, William F
자료유형 | 단행본 |
개인저자 | Schulz, William F. |
서명/저자사항 | In our own best interest :how defending human rights benefits us all :William F. Schulz ; foreword by Mary Robinson. |
발행사항 | Boston :Beacon Press,2001. |
형태사항 | xviii, 235 p. ;24 cm. |
ISBN | 0807002267 |
서지주기 | Includes bibliographical references (p. [203]-224) and index. |
내용주기 | "Like the home-born among you": the moral underpinnings of the struggle for human rights -- "When the birds no longer hide": the role of human rights in promoting democracy and peace -- The bottom line: why human rights are good for business -- Forest and ice: human rights and the world around us -- Only a plane ride away: public health and human rights -- Saving money while saving lives: the economic rewards of defending human rights -- No innocent place: human rights violations in the sweet land of liberty -- David Trimble's tears: what we can do to promote human rights. |
일반주제명 | Human rights |
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