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북한인권 국제심포지엄 2016 = International Symposium on North Korean Human Rights


북한인권 국제심포지엄 2016 = International Symposium on North Korean Human Rights 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
자료유형인권위 간행물
서명/저자사항북한인권 국제심포지엄 2016 =International Symposium on North Korean Human Rights /국가인권위원회 정책교육국 인권정책과 [편]
발행사항서울 :국가인권위원회,2016
형태사항v,140, vii, 161p. ;26 cm
식별표제유엔인권메커니즘과 북한여성의 인권,2016
Protecting and promoting women's rights in North Korea with a focus on the UN human rights protection mechanisms,2016
ISBN9788961144933 :
일반주기 국가인권위원회 발간자료(인권정책과 북한인권팀)
국영문 합본으로 발간
보이스아이 바코드 인쇄자료임
일시:2016년 5월 19일(목) 9:40~18:00, 장소:롯데호텔 3층 사파이어 볼룸, 공동주최:국가인권위원회, 서울유엔인권사무소, 주관:국가인권위원회, 후원:아리랑국제방송
서비스 이용안내
  • 택배대출 신청
  • 청구기호 프린터 선택
등록번호, 소장위치, 도서상태 등으로 구성된 소장도서의 목록
No. 등록번호 청구기호 소장처 도서상태 반납예정일 예약 서비스
1 EM38217 인권위 16-14 인권도서관/인권도서관/ 대출가능
2 EM38218 인권위 16-14 c.2 인권도서관/인권도서관/ 대출가능

목차 일부


<개회식>∙ 1

① 이성호 (국가인권위원회위원장) ····································································· 3
② 시냐 폴슨 (서울유엔인권사무소장) ································································ 7

목차 전체


<개회식>∙ 1

① 이성호 (국가인권위원회위원장) ····································································· 3
② 시냐 폴슨 (서울유엔인권사무소장) ································································ 7
기조연설 : 북한여성 인권 상황과 제언 ·································································· 11
Marzuki Darusman (유엔북한인권특별보고관)

<1세션 : 북한여성의 인권 실태와 법제>∙ 13

① 사회구조와 제도적 차원에서 북한여성의 지위와 현실 ········································· 15
한동호 (통일연구원 북한인권연구센터장)
② 사례를 통해 살펴본 북한여성의 인권 실태 ·························································· 23
윤남근 (국가인권위원회 북한인권특별위원장)
③ 북한에서 여성으로 살아가기 ················································································· 31
이애란 (자유통일문화원장)
④ 북한여성 인권 실태 ······························································································ 41
Phil Robertson (휴먼라이츠워치 아시아국장)
⑤ 탈북여성의 정신건강 문제 ···················································································· 43
이소희 (국립중앙의료원 정신건강의학과장)

<2세션 : 여성인권 보호와 신장을 위한 유엔인권메커니즘>. 47

① 유엔의 여성 인권보호 메커니즘 ··········································································· 49
안윤교 (서울유엔인권사무소 인권담당관)
② 북한 UPR 심사 절차 활용 방안과 사례 ······························································· 67
Michelle Kissenkoetter (국제인권연맹 아시아국장)
③ 국내 NGO의 유엔인권메커니즘 활용 사례와 제언 ·············································· 69
Joanna Hosaniak (북한인권시민연합 부국장)
④ 난민의 지위에 관한 협약과 북한여성인권 ···························································· 79
백범석 (경희대학교 교수)
⑤ 고문방지협약과 탈북 여성 인권 보호 ·································································· 85
김종철 (공익법센터 어필 변호사)

<3세션 : 북한여성 인권에 대한 국제사회의 논의 및 역할> . 97

① 북한여성 인권 문제에 대한 국제법적 접근 ························································· 99
Patricia Goedde (성균관대 법학전문대학원 교수)
② 북한 인권 개선을 위한 언론의 역할 ·································································· 105
Giampaolo Pioli (유엔기자협회장)
③ 북한인권 개선을 위한 EU의 역할(북한여성을 중심으로) ··································· 107
John Sagar (주한 EU대표부 1등서기관)
④ 북한여성인권 개선을 위한 한국여성NGO의 역할 ·············································· 109
김은주 (한국여성정치연구소장)
⑤ 국제 연대를 활용한 북한인권 운동 전략 ···························································· 127
권은경 (북한반인도범죄철폐국제연대 사무국장)

참가자 소개


Opening. 1

Opening remarks :
1) Mr. Sung-ho Lee (Chairperson of NHRCK) ································································· 3
2) Ms. Signe Poulsen (Representative, OHCHR Seoul) ················································ 7
Keynote Speech :
Findings and recommendations on North Korean women’s rights
- Mr. Marzuki Darusman (UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in North Korea) ··········· 11

Session I. 13

Key issues affecting North Korean women: the situation in the DPRK, the legal
framework, and victim’s trauma and settlement in the ROK
1) Status and reality of North Korean women in a level
of social framework and system ················································································ 15
- Mr. Dongho Han (Director, Center for NKHR Studies of KINU)
2) Actual cases revealing human rights of North Korean Women ······················· 25
- Mr. Nam-geun Yoon (Chair, Special Committee on NKHR of NHRCK)
3) Living as a woman in North Korea ······································································· 27
- Dr. Aeran Lee (President, Center for Liberty & Reunification)
4) Human rights issues of North Korean women ····················································· 39
- Mr. Phil Robertson (Deputy director, Human Rights Watch’s Asia division)
5) Mental Health issues of Female Defectors from North Korea ··························· 41
- Dr. Sohee Lee (Head of Department of Psychiatry, National Medical Center)

Session II. 45

UN human rights mechanisms for the protection of women’s rights in the DPRK
1) UN mechanisms for protecting women’s rights ···················································· 47
- Ms. Younkyo Ahn (Human Rights Officer, OHCHR Seoul)
2) Application and actual cases of UPR process in North Korea ························ 69
- Ms. Michelle Kissenkoetter (Director of Asia desk, FIDH)
3) NGOs experiences in utilizing a nexus between States,
NGOs and the United Nations to promote women’s rights in North Korea ···· 71
- Dr. Joanna Hosaniak (Deputy Director General, Citizen’s Alliance for North Korean Human Rights)
4) Convention on Refugee Status and Human Rights for North Korean Women ···· 81
- Mr. Buhm-suk Baek (Professor, International College of Kyunghee Univ.)
5) Convention against torture and human rights protection
for female defectors ································································································· 89
- Mr. Jong-chul Kim (Director, Advocates for Public Interest Law)

Session Ⅲ. 105

Role of the international community in the protection of women’s rights in the DPRK
1) International Legal Approaches to Improving Women’s Rights
in North Korea ·········································································································· 107
- Prof. Patricia Goedde (Associate Professor, Sungkyunkwan University)
2) Role of media to promote human rights in the DPRK ······································ 113
- Mr. Giampaolo Pioli (President, UN Correspondents Association)
3) Role of EU to promote human rights in the DPRK
(focused on North Korean women) ········································································· 115
- Mr. John Sagar (First Secretary, Delegation of the EU to the Republic of Korea)
4) Role of South Korean women to promote women’s rights in the DPRK ········ 117
- Ms. Eun-Ju Kim (Director, Center for Korean Women & Politics)
5) Promoting human rights in the DPRK through solidarity
between international NGOs ····················································································· 143
- Ms. Eunkyoung Kwon
(Secretary General of International Coalition to Stop Crimes against Humanity in North Korea)

Profiles of Participants
  • 2019년 북한에 대한 제3차 유엔 국가별 인권상황 정기검토(UPR) 자료집
    2019년 북한에 대한 제3차 유엔 국가별 인권상황 정...
    국가인권위원회, 2019
  • 제2기 국가별 인권상황 정기검토(UPR)에 대한 북한의 국가인권보고서 등 관련 자료집
    제2기 국가별 인권상황 정기검토(UPR)에 대한 북한의...
    국가인권위원회 정책교육국 인권정책과 [편]
    국가인권위원회, 2014
  • 2009년 유엔 국가별 정례인권검토(UPR)에 대한 북한의 국가인권보고서 및 관련 자료
    2009년 유엔 국가별 정례인권검토(UPR)에 대한 북...
    국가인권위원회 정책교육국 인권정책과 [편]
    국가인권위원회, 2009
  • 인권강사 양성과정 워크북 . 2
    인권강사 양성과정 워크북 . 2
    국가인권위원회, 2022
  • 인권강사 양성과정 워크북 . 1
    인권강사 양성과정 워크북 . 1
    국가인권위원회, 2022

*주제와 무관한 내용의 서평은 삭제될 수 있습니다.


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