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Work of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission/

House of LordsHouse of Commons

Work of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission/ 표지이미지
도서 상세정보
단체저자명House of Lords.
House of Commons.
서명/저자사항Work of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission:House of Lords, House of Commons, Joint Committee on Human Rights, Fourteenth Report of Session 2002-03.
발행사항London :House of Lords :House of Commons,2003.
형태사항85 p. ;30cm.
일반주기Report, together with formal minutes, oral andwritten evidence, Ordered by The House of Lords to be printed 30 June 2003, Ordered by The House of Commons to be printed 30 June 2003
일반주제명Human Rights
서비스 이용안내
  • 택배대출 신청
  • 청구기호 프린터 선택
등록번호, 소장위치, 도서상태 등으로 구성된 소장도서의 목록
No. 등록번호 청구기호 소장처 도서상태 반납예정일 예약 서비스
1 WP737 323.4 W926h 인권도서관/인권도서관/ 대출가능

목차 일부

Summary = 3

1. Introduction = 7
    Background = 7
    Remit and objectives = 8

2. The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission in context = 9
    The Agreement = 9
    Co-ordination with Go...

목차 전체

Summary = 3

1. Introduction = 7
    Background = 7
    Remit and objectives = 8

2. The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission in context = 9
    The Agreement = 9
    Co-ordination with Government = 10

3. Independence and impartiality = 12
    The statutory basis for independence = 12
    The appointments process = 13
    The criteria for appointing commissioners = 13
    Government support for the Commission's independence = 15
    Ensuring impartiality in the Commission's work = 16

4. Resources = 18
    Levels of funding = 18
    Systems of funding = 19
        Independent oversight of funding = 20

5. Strategy and effectiveness = 21
    Aims and functions = 21
    Commission priorities = 22
    Casework = 23
        Memorandum of understanding with the legal aid department =25
    Powers = 26
        Investigatory powers = 27

6. The Bill of Rights = 30
    The mandate to draft a Bill of Rights = 30
    The scope and content of the Bill of Rights = 31
    The future Bill of Rights consultation process = 32

Conclusions and recommendations = 35
Formal minutes = 39
Witnesses = 40
List of written Evidence = 40

  Thursday 28 November 2002 
  Monday 2 December 2002
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*주제와 무관한 내용의 서평은 삭제될 수 있습니다.


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