Greeting = 2
Asia Women's Forum on Migration = 5
Program Information = 8
◇ Keynote Speech : feminization of Migration and Migrants human rights = 19
◇ Theme presentations
1. Trafficking in the process of Migration = 47
2. Health and Women Migrants Workers = 80
3. The WTO GATS Mode 4 and Women Migrants Workers = 94
4. Intergration/Reintegration and intercultural marriages = 105
◇ Appendix : country report
1. Korea = 119
2. Bangladesh = 143
3. Indonesia = 158
◇ Strategy Discussion = 164
◇ Statement = 175
Asia Women's Forum on Migration = 5
Program Information = 8
◇ Keynote Speech : feminization of Migration and Migrants human rights = 19
◇ Theme presentations
1. Trafficking in the process of Migration = 47
2. Health and Women Migrants Workers = 80
3. The WTO GATS Mode 4 and Women Migrants Workers = 94
4. Intergration/Reintegration and intercultural marriages = 105
◇ Appendix : country report
1. Korea = 119
2. Bangladesh = 143
3. Indonesia = 158
◇ Strategy Discussion = 164
◇ Statement = 175