목차 일부
Sources of the law
The relation of municipal and international law
Subjects of the law
Incidence and continuity of statehood
Recognition of states and governments
Territorial sovereignty
목차 전체
Sources of the law
The relation of municipal and international law
Subjects of the law
Incidence and continuity of statehood
Recognition of states and governments
Territorial sovereignty
The creation and transfer of territorial sovereignty
Status of territory: further problems
Territorial sea, contiguous zones, and exclusive economic zones
The continental shelf : delimitation of shelf areas and exclusive economic zones
The regime of the high seas
Common amenities and co-operation in the use of resources
Legal aspects of the protection of the environment
Sovereignty and equality of states
Jurisdictional competence
Privileges and immunities of foreign states
Diplomatic and consular relations
Reservations from territorial sovereignty
The relations of nationality
Some rules of attribution : corporations and specific assets
The responsibility of states
The admissibility of state claims
A system of multilateral public order : some incidents of illegality and the concept of Jus Cogens
Injury to the persons and property of aliens on state territory
The protection of individuals and groups : human rights and self-determination
International criminal justice
The law of treaties
Other transactions including agency and pepresentation
State succession
Other cases of transmission of rights and duties
International organizations
The judicial settlement of international disputes
The use or threat of force by states.
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