목차 일부
I1 International Law and World Politics Entwined = 1
2 States In International Law = 21
3 Intergovernmental Organizations in International Law = 35
4 Nonstate Actors in International Law = 73...
목차 전체
I1 International Law and World Politics Entwined = 1
2 States In International Law = 21
3 Intergovernmental Organizations in International Law = 35
4 Nonstate Actors in International Law = 73
5 The Logical Structure of International Law = 87
6 Legal Argument as Political Maneuvering = 117
7 Reading a Multilateral Treaty = 141
8 The Evolution of a Multilateral Treaty Regime = 161
9 International Law and Arms Control = 191
10 International Human Rights Law = 213
11 International Humanitarian Law = 245
12 International Law and the Environment = 265
13 The Future Role of International Law In World Politics = 293
List of Acronyms = 307
For Further Reference = 311
Index = 315
About the Book 327
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